Early Years Education in Pistoia: a unique professional development opportunity
Pistoia is a ‘child-friendly’ city in Tuscany with a long history of taking a pioneering approach to early education. Alongside other centres such as Bologna, Parma and Reggio Emilia, it has been recognised as a centre of excellence for its nidi dell’infanzia (for children aged from three months to three years old) and scuole dell’infanzia (for children from three to six years old).
In Pistoia the public administration promotes the full participation of families and community in the early education services.
The Pistoia approach is underpinned by the belief that children learn as citizens. Extended projects, led by the children, often last for many months. There is a strong emphasis on space and beauty in learning environments.
Over the past 9 years I have collaborated with the education services in Pistoia, creating a documentary film of Pedagogy in Pistoia for The Open University and undertaking a research project on documentation in Pistoia pre-schools.
I have led Study visits to Pistoia for groups of teachers. The immersion in school practice and intensive tutorial sessions, together with the warm welcome offered by the schools, proved highly successful.
I can offer a wide range offer a wide range of consultancy and training for Early Years teachers and practitioners, including:
- Study visits in Pistoia;
- Conference keynotes, webinars and workshops;
- Training days.