Parents’ Seminars

Bringing up a child in a bilingual or multilingual home has its challenges but also many rewards. 

I am passionate about supporting parents and giving them the resources they need to bring up their child as a bilingual or multilingual speaker.

I have delivered seminars for parents, including employees of corporate firms on ‘Bringing up a bilingual child’ and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

I can offer:

  • Parents’ seminars or webinars,
    including corporate settings;
  • Workshops for parents.
“The topic is something really close to most families here. Everyone is so passionate about the topic and we had a very interactive session listening to others’ experiences.

The comments after the event were overwhelmingly positive and Dr Drury was amazing at answering all the questions.

We had about 50 people in the room and around 100 through webcast, so all in-all it was a highly successful event.”

—Parents’ Seminar at a large US Investment Bank